Saturday, February 18, 2012

Arosa, Switzerland

This past week was very exciting.  On Sunday I left with some people from the cooperative to go stay at their cabin in Arosa, Switzerland.  It is this tiny town in the middle of the mountains where people come from all over the world to go skiing and sledding.  Here are some pictures:

Before we left, a few of us were looking in the basement for snow gear and we stumbled upon these fantastic outfits.  I was too chicken to actually wear it:)

This is the cabin

The view from the front balcony

On the first day, we decided to go sledding. The trip takes a little over an hour and the path goes through the city and down through the forest. At the bottom there is a train that takes riders back up to the city.  It is one of the coolest things I've done.

Sledding with the cars

Through the woods

The view

At the bottom of the ride with Anna, another volunteer at the cooperative

The train back to the city

The next day we decided to go skiing.  I hadn't been since I was a little girl, so I was a little bit nervous.  But I tried it and it went really well! 

We left Arosa on Wednesday afternoon and on the drive back I decided that I was ready to move on and start a new adventure somewhere else.  So I booked a train to Stuttgart and left the next day.  I am now staying in a hostel for a few nights while I explore this city, and on Tuesday I will fly to Barcelona and stay for a couple of weeks.  

That is all for now!


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