Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Stuttgart and Bavaria

Stuttgart and Bavaria 
After leaving Turkey, I flew back to Stuttgart to spend some time with my friend Meike.  It was my third time visiting her since I’ve been in Europe. She is always so welcoming and goes above and beyond to make sure I’m comfortable and happy.  We spent a few days hanging out with friends.

With Susi (left) and Meike (right)

Meike planned a trip for us for the Easter holiday.  We drove down to Bavaria and stayed in a little bed and breakfast owned by one of her friends.  When we arrived we explored a little bit and had some fun.  

Meike's friend, Caro, and me

That evening dinner was made for us and we all sat around drinking German beer and speaking in a mixture of German and English.  
The next day we woke up to a TON of snow.  One of Meike’s selling points for coming back to Germany in April was that it would be warm and I needed to give Germany another chance. Yeah, that worked out...  

Meike rides horses competitively and one of her old horses was at a barn near where we were staying. So we went for a visit.

I've never seen a horse do a barrel roll before

Getting some horse love from mama and baby

Afterward we went out for some traditional Bavarian food

And stopped to admire the view

We were really into jumping for pictures

The next day the snow was gone again and we decided to go see Neuschwanstein 

This is what it looks like, but it's impossible to take a picture of the whole thing when you're there.

That afternoon we drove back to Stuttgart and a few days later I flew off to the south of France to work on another farm.   

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