Sunday, January 22, 2012


The past couple of days in Munich have been a blast. The hostel I'm staying at is called Jaeger's and they give you a free shot of Jaeger when you check in.  I have been staying in a 6 bed dorm room and have met some really interesting people.  The first group were guys from Georgia Tech studying abroad in France and just in Munich for the night.  They were very entertaining and I got to experience some southern hospitality.

Georgia Tech friends

The next group was 3 guys who are in the U.S. Army stationed in northern Germany. They are between the ages of 20 and 22 and all 3 are infantrymen.  They have all been sent to Afghanistan numerous times and are all scheduled to deploy again. It was incredibly interesting and eye opening to learn about what they do and their opinions on the war.  

Today it finally stopped snowing (!) so I spent the day trekking around Munich.  The past 2 days I've been going on smaller adventures in the snow:)


Local Art

This statue was turned into a memorial for Michael Jackson

Tomorrow I catch a train to my farm! Can't wait to get there and settle in.  I found this outfit that I think is a necessity.  I'll wear it when I milk the cows.


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