Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Farm

Ok, so there is a lot to share, so here we go.

I got to the farm a few days ago and it has been amazing so far.  The farm is a cooperative and there are many different things that they do besides farming.  When I got in, two of the guys picked me up and took me on a tour.  The cooperative is spread out all over the town, which has only 400 people.  The first place they took me was the farm where I got to see the cows and sheep that they have. They milk two of the cows every day and that is where we get our milk. They don't do anything to it except strain the hay out of it. It's the most amazing milk I've ever had! 

Three of the cows are pregnant so in the spring we will deliver calves!

The young ones

Me milking a cow!!

After the farm they took me to the carpentry building where they produce furniture and repair anything that needs to be fixed around the cooperative.

From there we went to the house I am staying in. It is so cute, but there is no central heating, only a wood burning fireplace, so it gets really cold at night.  And in order to take a shower I have to turn the boiler on and wait 30 minutes and then there are 15 minutes of warm water.

This is my room!

Next we went to the main building where we all eat together and next door they have a shipping warehouse where they mail out eco friendly household products for a company called Sonett. They also have a store front in the town where they sell these products.

Connected to the warehouse is a printing facility where they make books and produce a newspaper for the town. They sell the books on Amazon and the money from that goes back into the cooperative. 

I work during the week doing any work that sounds interesting to me.  I start whenever I wake up and finish around 5 or so and then we all eat dinner together. 

This place is very Waldorf-esque with veil paintings on the walls and doors without right angles.  I feel very much at home here and the people are truly wonderful and have welcomed me with open arms.  I couldn't have picked a better place to spend the next few months and I look forward to getting to know everyone here.  

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