Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Switzerland and Waldorf Mecca

This week I got to take a trip to Switzerland with some people from the cooperative because they needed to deliver some books that we made to the Goetheanum in Dornach.  While we were there we got to explore and it is so amazing.  The entire town feels like a waldorf school with veil painted houses and doors and windows without right angles.  The original Goetheanum burned down, so Steiner designed the next one to be made completely out of concrete.

The Original

The current

This is the main auditorium that holds 1000 people. This is the view from the stage. 

This is the painting on the ceiling

This is a carving started by Rudolph Steiner and remains unfinished.  It depicts his idea of what the balance in human life should be.  Above we see spirituality and below, materialism is represented.  
The Town of Dornach

My time here continues to be everything I had hoped for.  I changed rooms this week, and now have central heating and hot water that lasts for longer than 10 minutes! Very exciting stuff.  It continues to get colder and colder here. this week it has been around -13 degrees celsius, which is about 1 degree fahrenheit.  It makes working outside a real challenge.  I am hoping to take a weekend trip somewhere warm soon!

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